- Main entrance will be between Little Wonder roundabout and Electric Avenue.
- A new roundabout to built near Electric Avenue and FOUR lanes of traffic from there up to the Little Wonder roundabout
- Major traffic problems on Ripon Road opposite the Pine Shop with large lorries turning and also using an already congested Little wonder roundabout
- Overflow parking will be on Transco land
- Residents on Electric Avenue will now overlook a potentially 24 hour supermarket
- A normal day for us now will be like Wetherby Road outside the tip and Sainsburys
- Increase of vehicles on our small back roads, denying residential parking
- Increased noise pollution
- Increased light pollution
- Increased air pollution
- Lorries delivering at all times of the day and night
- Air brakes at the roundabouts
- Increased litter
- Noise from refrigeration units
- Possible decrease in YOUR house price by up to 10%
- How much disruption whilst all this is built and what effect on your quality of life
- Affect on local wildlife and water table
- Potential health and safety risks whilst making the contaminated gas works safe
- Possible damage to your house foundations due to deep excavations
two grumpy old men with a few friends trying to save our neighbourhood
Thursday, 1 February 2007
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The polar ice caps are melting, spring now starts in January and humanity teeters on the brink of extinction. What is the biggest issue regarding the new Tesco? Is it their massive contribution to global warming? Is it their complete disregard for the people who make the goods they sell? Is it their desire to dominate the globe and turn mankind into clubcard holders?
No,judging by the concerns raised at tonight's preview meeting, the most pressing issue to the people of New Park is..... how much longer it will take to get out of Electric Avenue and onto the car park that is Skipton Rd.
Consumers of Harrogate, wake up and take control of your future. Oppose Tesco because its a dehumanising corporate monster. Oppose Tesco because they aren't very nice people. Oppose Tesco because a world run by them isn't what you want for your children.
(Copy and paste this link and read the article if you think I'm exaggerating)
Is another supermarket what the community really needs?
Is this the most creative way we can use this land?
Think of the really useful sustainable amenities we could have on this site instead of the ubiquitous Tesco. Let's have some visionary thinking!
We are the only postcode district on mainland Great Britain without a Tesco. This is something to be proud of and something worth preserving.
Come on Tesco's great news
I think Kit is being a bit Dave Spartist there, Tesco may be rapacious corporate monstors but the planners don't give a toss and it is them you have to give enough ammunition to to turn the plans down.
One thing you can work on is the character of the town. I was born and brought up in Harrogate (I now live in Brighouse) and it is always very noticable how many small shops the town still has. Tesco will if it gets a chance soon see these off and the place will be immensly poorer for it.
Don't let anyone play down the traffic thing either, it will be worse than you imagine, a new Tesco went up in Brighouse about three years ago and the traffic chaos that ensued has to be seen to be believed.
That last postcode thing has got to be worth a bit of publicity as well.
Good Luck
I totally agree with the comments expressed on this website. As a resident of Electric Avenue my concerns and my hackles are well and truly raised with the planned proposals. I do feel that HBC must be taking a massive backhander to allow a Tesco to go ahead when a few years ago a lovely housing development was turned down because of traffic issues work that one out!
Does Tesco plan to offer compulsory purchase orders to the residents of Electric Avenue at full market value I wonder? The next thing you know we wont have any say over the siting of the proposed new tip I bet Tesco is funding that as well behind Focus I could be wrong but I bet i'm not.
Also we have a small corner shop on Electric Ave it provides an income for the family who own it and has been well used by local residents over very many years it is more expensive to shop there but it has been very handy - but best of all no noise no light pollution a bit of traffic but nothing to really complain about. Come on locals let us show that we can unite as a community and stop them building this monstrosity.
I am 100% behind your campaign to stop Tesco's developing the gas works site. It is a totally inappropriate site for a major retail development and i would much prefer the site be used for housing or community use. I do feel that here is a need for a supermarket on the north side of Harrogate but it needs to be somewhere that is easily accessable. This site will never be right due to the position of the various buldings around the Little Wonder Roundabout and the high levels of traffic acccessing Harrogate from Ripon and Skipton area's. I encourage everyone to visit www.tescopoly.org and click on take action. Here you can download two step by step guides on how to stop supermarket developments. If everyone can write to the council voicing similar concerns we can hopefully prevent this development.
Daffy Duck ( clearly you are too ashamed to identify yourself)probably because 50% of Harrogate DO NOT WANT A TESCOS, and you are the only idiot who could not give a toss.
I am clearly opposed to the Tescos DIRECTLY behind my home...as if it is not bad enough that people use Electric Avenue as a throughfare, it will become highly conjested and add to the problems we as a community already gave.
It would appear that the only people who want the tescos are the people who
1: DO NOT live directly next to the tescos.
2: who couldnt give a toss about their community.
Please show your support to stop Tescos at
reading the above comments from Mr Duck(!) does MMC. initially i was not against Tesco the company, but more so the fact that there was going to be an almighty huge supermarket placed in the most ridiculous of locations...my back garden...and it just so happened to be Tesco, however having read recent news articles and reports they really dont do themselves any favours however, at the screenings held this week, where we were meant to be giving feedback and asking questions, there were no answers to be had...the only people there to answer questions were from the company designing the site plans and a one Max from Tesco. there attitude was of arrogance and smugness. they were telling us it would be built by next christmas and it still hasn't gone to planning yet. they said they had our interests and that of the community at heart, yet when we asked them if they could maybe put a slightly smaller store in, so as to less impact the strangulated infra structure that already is, they turned round and said it wouldnt be worth their while. why cant Hgte borough council let it be used for recreational purposes or the like or something better than a huge supermarket. i wonder if infact you have seen a copy of the plans and the ridiculous lay outs they are trying to implement...a goods entrance right opposite and outside a junior/infant school. i, and all of the residents i met on wednesday are certainly very unlike the characters you think we are...but are hard working individuals trying to save our community who have also lived there for many years. this website was designed for folk to express an opinion not just to generally slag folk off. we understand some folks' views will be stronger than others but to berate folk you neither know or know of seems a tad unfair....yes, you are entitled to your opinions...but grow up and state facts rather than slag folk off who are only expressing theirs.
Dear Mr Duck,
you seem to think we are all Tesco hating nut jobs, which I'm glad to say is just not true - there you are fact for you.
the plain truth is if tesco were prepaired to meet the residents even half way with there concerns then maybe we could work something out.
unfortunately they seem unwilling to listen to anyone but them selves.
I might also point that your 99.5% of people want tesco is wrong as a recent pole put it at 50% said NO and 48% said yes with 2% not bothered.
I find it very amusing that you yourself have nothing else to fill your mundane day with aprat from getting yourself in a tizzy over our lives.
were are trying to protect our way of life and you need to go and get one.
welcome to the website Max... you Tesco saddo...this what you do on a weekend rather than play out on your skateboard with your other Tesco friends x x x x
Well Daffy Duck, i think you should do some research before you mouth off half truths about the benefits to the local economy when Tescos opens. Research carried out by the National Retail Planning Forum ( a group founded and funded by supermarkets) actually found that despite the jobs created when a supermarket opens there is on average 276 jobs lost in the local economy. They also found that supermarkets don't employ the same amount of staff as local stores. In 2004 local grocery stores employed more than 500,000 staff with a turnover of £21bn. Tesco's had a turnover of £29bn and only employs 250,000. As for who will work in Tesco i'm sure hardly anyone from the local area will be able for afford to work for the minimum wage which Tesco's pays. I f you had actually got off your soap box and gone to see the plans for the development you would understand why people are concerned about the 600 cars per hour that Tescos are predicting will visit the new store. The road layout they are proposing is dangerous and does not take into account the large expansion of the Focus DIY store across the road. As i stated in my previous post i do not have a problem with any supermarket chain developing a site on Jennyfields, the problem is that this is the wrong site for a 70,000sq foot superstore.
we are talking about new park area - where do you get this Idea we all drive big cars and have fancy jobs?
the local are normal people leading normal lives.
if you wish to post your comments please refrain from obsene comments.
this is a public site and as such you should respect that regardless of your opinions on the matter.
A councillor for HBC has apparently said that a Tesco would ease traffic conjestion this side of town, he must be one thats getting a back hander because thats the biggest load of tosh i've heard in years. Apart from the massive problem it would create on the Skipton and Ripon roads which are by far bad enough already, Jennyfields drive, Electric ave, Harewood road and Crowberry Drive would be used as a cut through even more to avoid the jams.
Also this would be a major downfall for the small traders of Harrogate as this is a proposed Tesco extra which will sell non food aswell. The talk of extra jobs is rubbish as Asda, Morrisons,Sainsburys, Waitrose and the local Coop will all have to shed workers. At the end of the day the 70,000 people of Harrogate only have so much money to spend and all Tesco want is a big slice of it at the expense of our community, and its enviroment.
Yes I agree, something needs to be done with the land but not another food retailer that has such high footfall. We don't need another food superstore in the town, we have plenty to go at as it is.
It's about time the council thought recreation /leasure or housing which I'm sure the majority will agree the town is very short of according to demand.
Mr Duck...why dont you set up your own blog site stating all the pro's for Tesco. what dont you get Max?? this was set up to gain support against the development near us, to use as way of petition. most folk have cottoned on to that..only you havent managed to comprehend that. so if you want to waste your time on here...fine. we'll pop across to your blogsite if you like and do likewise to you.
have a super day.
"As for housing yes you are dead right, this town could really do with a lot more affordable accomodation but I'm sure you'd love a load of housing association down your way. No doubt you'd be campaigning against that too!"
You really do talk rubbish, we already have 3 housing assc. sites and there is nothing wrong with them.
"Then why make snotty comments about low income jobs?"
One comment by one poster and you have labeled us all - the comment was hardly snotty anyway as it was directed at tesco and not the people who work for them. either way you have been nothing but rude and obusive to all of the new park comunity.
Are you a typical Pro-Tesco person?
What a commendable young man you are Daffy Duck to selflessly give up most of your spare time to further the cause of Tesco. You are the voice of reason and the spokesperson for the silent majority. I too am fed up with being held back by reactionaries who are holding this country back and stifling enterprise. You are clearly a progressive thinker and a credit to all little people. If it wasn't for people like you I wouldn't be able to sleep soundly in my four-poster waterbed at night.
Keep up the fight.
I'll smoke a cigar for you.
I have closed the MYSPACE down due to Daffy Ducks unproductive comments. The fellas on here who run this are doing a sterling job, and I hope this works.
Daffy clearly didnt realise that this was an EXTERNAL myspace set up by myself AGES ago, and had nothing to do with the guys on here. I hope the locals will realise that this is all about our community, the effect it will have on all of the issues raised by others on here. How rude is Daffy?
All we want is some help in our cause. This blogger wasnt set up for abuse, yet Daffy just wants to slate us left right and centre.
Aw well.
We'll keep trying eh people!
How many supermarkets have you worked for Mr Duck? Two or three? It seems you can't even get facts regarding your own life right. Probably not a good idea preaching to others on this issue.
What did you do before this message board? Go to pro land fill site rallies or maybe hold local meetings about making the roads more dangerous for our children.
I'm sure this idea is folly though as i don't doubt in 'real life' you wouldn't dare speak your mind in front of other human beings only 'virtual' ones
Of course you'll probably disagree, oh but hang on... you had your chance to voice these strong opinions at the meetings face to face...
..and it was strangely quiet!
well at least we know who Mr Duck is now and where he comes from...bless him...what a dumb duck...this could be interesting with this new prposed site at Focus...not sure if good or bad...i suppose it will all come out in the wash.
Bitter???.. Ha!
That's rich coming from yourself. What was the reason for not going to the residents meeting or even the following 'open' meetings? Strong views are better expressed face to face in situations such as these as things can be taken out of context. Your careful quoting only reinforces the fact that you're treading a very thin line. You're not sure of your facts and it seems as if you'd argue black was white if you felt that way inclined.
No one will deny that the initial reason for anyone contesting such a monstrosity is the 'not on my doorstep mentality'. Is this so wrong? We all work hard for a living to provide for our families and it goes without saying that we will protect our families standard of living at all costs.
It's only once you actually look into how Tesco work and things that go on behind the scenes do you realise how wrong it all is. If we had known about this before then we surely have been fighting on behalf of other people. You're obviously none the wiser!
Maybe this Tesco is an opportunity for you to continue your successful career. After all, you're running out of supermarkets to work for aren't you? If so, good luck to you.
BTW the Co-op is classed as a supermarket.
You're the one getting tetchy old chap and extremely amusing it is too!
There you go with your little quoting game again. Running out the same old boring comments about Harrogate snobbery. Really,you couldn't be further from the truth.
The meetings weren't only for those opposed to the meetings it was for every one to come and see what the changes would be and how this would enhance(??) Harrogate..or are you a bit simple?
I hate to play your tittle tattle games but you're a bitter and twisted man with little left to live for other than popping kids balls that come over your fence.
In the Co-ops own words(from their website)
"The Co-op, the UK’s leading supermarket supporter of Fairtrade"
Enjoy your life.
Excuse the grammatical error... of course i meant 'for those opposed to the development'
If you retired, aged 26(which i highly doubt!)from working in supermarkets then i'm in the wrong game! Morrisons here i come!
I've also had far more demeaning jobs than working in a supermarket in my life so a snob i am not.
You really are a strange fella. Why on earth would you say how tall you were? Was it a veiled threat in some way?
I have nothing to with the lads who started this website. I've only met them through this campaign. So we're not a 'you lot' we are simply individuals on the same side. Tree huggers we certainly aren't either. Not that there's anything wrong with being a tree hugger. You also have strong views on immigrants and different races i suspect. We all know what kind of Harrogate person you are.
fook me Daffy... so you retired at age 26...have grown up girls...god dont you do everything so well...bet you stack shelves well too... surprised that if you retired aged 26 that you're still here...thought St Tropez would be more you.. anyway the goods yard on the back of Killinghall Moor will shut you up... and you are 6" 5 are ya???...big hard man... didnt look that big when i saw ya...mind you the bigger they are the harder the fall... was this why you did so well at stacking shelves...you were super quick cos yer didnt need a ladder...
oh and btw great remark Mr Bubbles ref popping kids balls...MMC
Oh dear has Daffy gone?
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